I am a bilingual university student who is passionate about education and biology. As such, I am currently in a combined BEd/BSc program, but I dream of someday becoming a doctor - more specifically, a pediatrician. I love learning, fact-sharing, plans, hockey and green things.
About My Trip
Beginning July 1st, 2011, I will be participating in a BaseCamp International Centers Volunteer Abroad Program in Nicaragua. I don't know if I've ever made a more exciting decision! During the first month, I will be learning Spanish, exploring the area, becoming accustomed to the culture and preparing for my Health & Medical placement. In August, I will be volunteering in a hospital or a clinic. While my placement details may not be finalized until June 1st, some of my responsibilities could include: taking vital signs of women in labour, bathing newborns, weighing and measuring children, taking temperatures, giving vaccinations or observing minor surgeries!
About Nicaragua Notebook
This blog is a place to tell the story of two parts of my journey: the anticipation and the adventure.
The anticipation happens until July 1st and it involves a lot of fundraising - this could be where you can help! BaseCamp volunteers are expected to provide the funds necessary to cover the program fee (which covers room and board except for Sundays) as well as other necessities like flights, food, insurance and vaccinations. All told, I hope to raise $6000 before I leave. This blog will therefore be a place for potential sponsors to find out more about my endeavour, as well as a place for me to tell you about upcoming fundraising events. Not only that, but I'll also be sharing my thoughts leading up to my departure date.
The adventure starts when I head to the airport early in the morning of July 1st. Then, I'll be writing about my experiences with the culture, the language, the people and the volunteering. I can't wait to share the pictures I'll take and the facts I'll learn!