She's right. Asthma and allergies mean that it doesn't take much to get me sick in the first place, and I certainly haven't been doing much to keep my heart & lungs in top form, either. I did buy runners last summer in an overly-optimistic attempt to get those 30 minutes a day... You'll notice from the photo that they're still exceptionally clean and largely unworn. I'd like to use them a little more often over the next few months in order to make my lungs happier and my heart stronger. (Oh, and swimming! I could swim!)
Given the fact that I bought the shoes at least six months ago, it's pretty clear that my determination to get running again is not incredibly strong. I have a lot of excuses that have also helped foil any other attempt at getting in shape - I'm too busy, I just ate supper, it's too cold, I'm tired, etc. This time, however, in addition to my mom's encouragement, I have a good reason to get moving: supporting a lovely friend.
Recently, my friend Charley was accepted as a participant in the Flying Doctors of Canada Doctors of Tomorrow program. This summer, she'll be spending roughly two weeks abroad helping doctors and medical students with their volunteer work in... Nicaragua! We'll be there at the same time! Isn't that crazy?! Anyway, the point is that U of A Doctors of Tomorrow (DOT) are hosting a 5 km fundraising run in Victoria Park (Edmonton) on April 3rd. Registration is only $15 for U of A students and I really encourage you to participate - after all, I'm doing it and I haven't gone for a run in months!
I'm off to fix that.
*I don't apologize for this pun at all.
Nice Shoe Shot!!