For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of travelling with my dad, he makes a mean first aid kit. I'm pretty sure that he always has at least Advil and/or Tylenol on his person, but he seems to kick up to Benadryl, bandaids, gauze, etc. for actual outings; anything longer than a couple of days and the suture kit comes along. He doesn't mess around!
I was not impressed.
I think the outburst went something like, "Dad, it doesn't need a cross! I know it's a first aid kit! What else would it be? I can see everything inside it! Why are you such a dork?! You wrecked it! Whine whine whine complain complain complain!" He just looked at me sheepishly and my mom snickered. Still, it was a great kit and it eventually came with me to school, cross and all.
Despite pitching such a ridiculous fit when he first coloured all over it (again, "I'll miss you" would have done the trick), I have to admit that the sharpie cross makes me smile every time I see it - which, given my highly accident-prone nature - is more often than I'd care to admit.
All this is to say that I'm building my first aid / health kit for my trip and it's going to be awesome.
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