May 26, 2011

Caffeine Fix

Today, I picked up the most delicious-smelling piece of mail I have ever received: thirty pounds of freshly ground coffee! The order from Equator finally came in so there's a small army of coffee ready on my kitchen table for those of you who ordered some. For those of you who haven't but would like some, don't despair! There are still nine unclaimed bags that I'll gladly sell you. When those run out,I'm planning a second order, so think about what you'd like and send me an email! (By the way, you can click on the poster on the right to make it bigger. The most important part is that I'd like the orders in by June 3rd.)

I know I promised excitement a while ago... Soon! Once I hit 30 days til the trip - it's at 35 now - the preparation will actually start. Next week will probably involve typhoid inoculation (postponed because it doesn't get along with antibiotics), new hiking shoes, a trip to MEC, news from BaseCamp about my placement and the creation of the best first aid kit ever. Get ready!

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