May 15, 2011

Wanted: Ideas

I apologize for the blog neglect - you'd think that I'd be updating it more often given that school is done and it's almost time to actually prepare for the trip, but it's actually taken me until now to get into the swing of summer and recuperate from a wildly stressful April.

Some of you may have noticed that I leave in 46 days, but it seems highly unlikely that I'll have reached my goal of $6000 before then - right now, I'm about $500 away from being able to pay for my flight and program fee. But that's okay! My extraordinarily generous parents have agreed to lend me the money I need and let me pay it back after the trip, if need be - which means that I could have a fundraiser or two in the fall. I'm thinking taco night + silent auction + a little talk about the experience.

Still, I have a lot of time between now and July 1st that could be filled with fundraising. But I'm out of ideas! Aside from the coffee (which is coming soon) and the slow-motion bottle drive (which is still going on), I'm not sure what else I could do.

Do you have any brilliant ideas to share? I'd love to hear them!

PS: I went to MEC today and I get my typhoid pills this week, so there could actually be interesting stuff up here soon!


  1. Hey sweetheart!
    I have found one of the most effective forms of fundraising - is letter writing to groups with some money... Have you tried the UCW? Often different UCWs will agree to give you money - if you promise to come after your experience and share a 'tea and talk' or something of the like. They're great fun, and usually when you get back - you are seeking 1000 ways to tell people about all that is flying around your head and heart. Rotary may also be willing to help out - if you pitch it right. And corporations almost always have funds - specifically set aside for when students come asking...

    I hope you "enjoy" the typhoid pills... I had some 'thinking through issues' with the idea of swallowing live germ. :)
    Love ya!

  2. Trivia night! You should do it. If you're in need of questions/answers/trivia, I'm sure i could send you the ones we have used for our last two trivia nights. If you charge $20 for teams of up to 4 and you have at least 10 teams show up, that's $200. And I'm sure that you could find some generous prize donors. The hardest part is finding a venue.

  3. Thanks, you two!
    Diana, I'd been thinking about the UCW and totally forgot. I'll make sure I send them a letter soon. I wasn't sure about corporations because I can't offer tax receipts, but maybe some will consider it anyway. As for the pills, we'll see next week...
    Jess, you're so right. I do have an exam in June, so I'll have to check on that so that I'm not studying, packing and planning the trivia night all at the same time, but I'll see what I can do!
